英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 18:36:31
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1. gain courage

Synonym: buck up

1. 受到鼓励,树立信心:take too far 做得过火 | take heart 受到鼓励,树立信心 | take account of 考虑,重视

2. 鼓起勇气:string out 連成一列 | take heart 鼓起勇氣 | take on 承擔(工作),雇用


3. 振作:take heart of grace 鼓起勇气 | take heart 振作 | take hold of 握住

4. take heart什么意思

4. 鼓足勇气或信心:lose one's heart to倾心于,痴情于 | take heart鼓足勇气或信心 | to one's heart's content尽情地,尽量地

If you want to follow your dreams as well as provide for a certain future take heart.(假如你既想追随梦想,又想有一个美好的未来,那么鼓起勇气去努力吧。)
Before you diagnose yourself with Alzheimer's disease, take heart: Most memory lapses are normal.(在你自我诊断为老年痴呆症之前,放心:大部分记忆丢失是正常的。)
Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord .(凡仰望耶和华的人,你们都要壮胆,坚固你们的心。)
Take heart. God is in control, and he has His purposes in the circumstances of your life.(要有信心,神一直在掌管一切,在你的生命中,无论发生什么,神都有他的意思。)
If you've ever been frustrated by your baby's irregular sleep patterns, take heart.(如果你曾为你家宝宝的睡眠困扰过,请振作。)
But he can take heart: this year’s list has been the most popular ever—and his was the biggest-selling book on it.(然而米勒可以重振旗鼓:今年的名单前所未有地热门——而他的书是其中销量最好的。)
So writers today should take heart.(所以,当代的作家应当鼓起勇气来。)
There are a number of reasons why we put on the pounds as years go by, but take heart: There are ways to fight back - and win!(但是,请振作起来:你有办法反击,而且还能赢!随着我们年龄的增大..!)
If you've long harbored tender memories of Miss February 1988 but misplaced your dusty old box of Playboys, take heart.(要是你长期对《花花公子》1988年的四月小姐“情深如故”,可连你自己也不知道那盒布满了灰尘的《花花公子》被你放到哪儿去了,那么振作起来吧!)
Take heart though, you can, however, temporarily reduce its orange peel-like appearance.(尽管如此,但还是要振作起来,你可以暂时缓解皮肤呈橘皮状的现象。)
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